Vanity-top or vessel sink made of solid surface, with an overflow. Finished back. Shipping class 4.
00 no faucet holes
01 one faucet hole over each drain
02 two faucet holes, center and right over each drain
03 three faucet holes in 8-inch spread over each drain

Built-in diverter with lever handle and squared backplate. Water flow rate: 10 gpm at 43.5 psi. Rough-in and trim sold separately. Shipping class 1.
2-way diverter (non-sharing): VD2 + 18D2.L.S-A = 18D2.L.S
2-way diverter (sharing): VD2S + 18D2.L.S-A = 18D2S.L.S
3-way diverter (non-sharing): VD3 + 18D3.L.S-A = 18D3.L.S
3-way diverter (sharing): VD3S + 18D3.L.S-A = 18D3S.L.S
W: 2 3/4"
H: 2 3/4"
# 18D2.L.S-A/18D3.L.S-A

Free-standing soaking bathtub made of white solid surface with an overflow and a decorative solid surface drain, net weight 440 lbs, water capacity 112 gal. Shipping class 5.